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How the new California Biomass web tool can help you estimate dead tree biomass anywhere in California: Webinar

California's ~129 million standing dead trees have altered fire risk near rural communities and spurred policy changes to incentivize woody biomass energy. Details on the biomass of recently dead trees can be helpful for informing strategies to mitigate the tree mortality crisis. UC Berkeley researchers have combined data from the Forest Service with forest structure models to map dead tree biomass across the state. With help from UCANR's IGIS team, we have created a web tool that allows anyone to view and download tree mortality information for anywhere in California. This webinar will briefly explain the methods powering the web tool and then demonstrate how it can be used and how its results should be interpreted. Afterwards, there will be the option to sign up for small group video conference or in-person help sessions to go over more specific tasks. Feel free to access the web tool ahead of the webinar at

View recording on Youtube >


About the Presenter

Carmen Tubbesing is a PhD candidate at UC Berkeley studying fire and forests. She is broadly interested in the causes and consequences of extreme wildfire and in the potential for woody biomass energy to play a role in forest management. She has collaborated with the Energy and Resources Group at UC Berkeley on work related to woody biomass energy potential, and is currently working with researchers at UC Davis on a decision support tool for siting biomass energy facilities. Please email Carmen at with questions.