UC Cooperative Extension Forestry Blogs
/UCCE Forestry Specialists have recently begun maintaining two new blogs - Oak Conservation and Forest Research and Outreach. Both blogs are updated regularly by Cooperative Extension forestry experts, and are used to highlight current issues, new research, and upcoming forestry events in the state (such as public field trips or symposiums).
Greg Giusti, UCCE Forestry Specialist, speaks with landowners and managers during a trip to the UC Sierra Foothills Research and Extension CenterA recent blog post by Rick Standiford, "Fire History for Blue Oak Stands in Southern California," may be of particular interest to those interested in the fire ecology and management of the state's oak woodlands.
Steve Quarles, a member of the CFSC WUI team and former UCCE Building Materials Specialist, has also written two entries in the Forest Research and Outreach blog on the recent conference held by the American Society for Testing and Materials Committee on fire standards for building materials. You can read both entries by clicking on these links: