ACR's Fire Forward and The Wildlands Conservancy host:
Wildfire Fuel Break Workshop
Take a tour of shaded fuel break, do some hands-on work and learn:
How shaded fuel breaks (a.k.a. forested fire breaks) can help reduce fuel loads and provide a safer area for firefighters to make a stand against wildfire.
How to plan and implement a shaded fuel break to help protect your home and forestland.
The various methods used and associated costs to establish a shaded fuel break.
How local agencies and organizations can help you plan, cost-share, and implement your shaded fuel break.
Examples of how prescribed fire can be used to maintain your shaded fuel break once established.
Location: Jenner Headlands Preserve. Note: Participants will carpool from Duncans Mills. Meet at 10am in Duncans Mills just past general store by the monterey cypress trees.
Cost: FREE to landowners and land managers.
Gear: Dress for field work -- shoes/boots with good tread, long pants and long-sleeves, layers recommended. Bring work gloves, water, hat and sunscreen.
Lunch will be provided to workshop participants. Bring water for yourself.
In collaboration with :
University of California Cooperative Extension, Sonoma County