Filtering by: Outside Event

The Canoe Fire: Recovery and Resilience after 20 years
9:00 AM09:00

The Canoe Fire: Recovery and Resilience after 20 years

The 2003 Canoe Fire burned through nearly 10,000 acres of old-growth redwood forest in Humboldt Redwoods State Park, making it one of the largest fires to affect these iconic forests in recent history. While the fire had mostly low severity effects, some areas burned at moderate and high severity. Now, after 20 years of regrowth, some of the beneficial effects have dwindled, while overs have been maintained through prescribed fire and other management activities. Join the park managers and researchers that were involved in the suppression, management and monitoring efforts for a discussion about the Canoe Fire’s lasting effects, and the past and future of fire use in redwood forests. *Tour sites may require up to 1mi of hiking on uneven single track trails*

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A Deep History of Fire in the Old Growth
9:00 AM09:00

A Deep History of Fire in the Old Growth

This tour will explore the extensive and diverse fire histories of old-growth redwood forests. We’ll tour groves that have burned under various fire return intervals and burn severities over the last few centuries, and discuss the implications for forest management and ecology in the context of cultural fire, forest ecology, and nearby fire history research. Participants will also learn to tune their eyes to the widespread evidence of fire in these ancient forests. *The final tour site will require up to .5mi of hiking on uneven single track trails.*  

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5th National Cohesive Wildland Fire Management Strategy Hybrid Workshop
to Nov 18

5th National Cohesive Wildland Fire Management Strategy Hybrid Workshop

This interactive workshop will provide practitioners and decision-makers with tools and ideas that support positive fire outcomes and identify opportunities for accelerated Cohesive Strategy implementation. Our program will focus on our theme of the hard truths of risk that are inherent in implementing cross-boundary, large landscape, and community-wide implementation.

View more information and registration >

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8th California Oak Symposium
to Nov 3

8th California Oak Symposium

Presented by the University of California's Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, the 8th California Oak Symposium is intended for anyone involved in research, education, management, and conservation of California’s oak woodlands. This includes foresters, range managers, tribes, arborists, landowners, community groups, land trusts and policy makers.

More information and registration at

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Forest Health Research Program Grantee Webinar: Climate change and wildfires in western North American forests: a review of ecological departures and adaptation strategies
11:00 AM11:00

Forest Health Research Program Grantee Webinar: Climate change and wildfires in western North American forests: a review of ecological departures and adaptation strategies

This presentation will summarize a literature review conducted by a team of scientists from across western North America on the topic of climate change and western wildfires. Rapid climate change is bringing warmer, drier, longer wildfire seasons to our region. In fire-dependent forests, these wildfires are burning in fuels that built up during more than a century of policies that favored fire exclusion. Consequently, wildfires have been increasing in severity and area-burned. We focused our review around ten common questions about adaptive forest management and how it can be used to assist climate and wildfire adaptation. The first of these questions addressed how fire exclusion transformed western forests and left them more vulnerable to drought, insects and disease agents, and wildfires.

Register here >

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Mojave Desert Native Plant Program: 2022 webinar series
3:00 PM15:00

Mojave Desert Native Plant Program: 2022 webinar series

During 2022, the Mojave Desert Native Plant Program is hosting a series of webinars on native plant restoration, native plant materials, and related concerns such as drought. These presentations are open to all, and will be recorded for those unable to join at the scheduled times.

View PDF announcement with the first 3 webinars >

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Life from the Ashes: Exploring the Impact of Prescribed & Natural Fire on Insects and Other Invertebrates
8:00 AM08:00

Life from the Ashes: Exploring the Impact of Prescribed & Natural Fire on Insects and Other Invertebrates

This program is provided in a collaboration between the Natural Areas Association (NAA) and the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation (Xerces). This will be a one day virtual event with early bird rates of $29 (member)/$49 (non-member) rates available until Sept 8, 2021.

More information and registration here >

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California Fire Safe Council Annual Conference
to Oct 6

California Fire Safe Council Annual Conference

California Fire Safe Council invites you to their first Resilience Brilliance Awards Sponsored by Perimeter Solutions & Annual Conference October 5 & 6, 2021

The conference, supported in part by the Regional Forest and Fire Capacity group (RFFC), will be held October 6 and convene mitigation groups around educational and best practices forums and seminars.

Click HERE for more information on attendance, nomination instructions, hotel location, and reservation information.

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4th National Cohesive Wildland Fire Management Strategy Workshop: Hard Truths of Risk Inherent in Cross-boundary, Large Landscape, and Community-wide Implementation
to Oct 8

4th National Cohesive Wildland Fire Management Strategy Workshop: Hard Truths of Risk Inherent in Cross-boundary, Large Landscape, and Community-wide Implementation

This interactive workshop will provide practitioners and decision-makers with tools and ideas that support positive fire outcomes and identify opportunities for accelerated Cohesive Strategy implementation. Our program will focus on our theme of the hard truths of risk that are inherent in implementing cross-boundary, large landscape, and community-wide implementation.

View more information and registration >

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Wildfire: Weather, Water, Weeds, Wildlife: Virtual event
to Oct 14

Wildfire: Weather, Water, Weeds, Wildlife: Virtual event

  • Google Calendar ICS

Join the Council for Watershed Health for a symposium to better understand wildfire effects on communities and the health of our watersheds! Expert panelists will share recent education efforts, guidelines, and research on the physical, cultural and ecological conditions related to increasing frequency and scale of wildfires in the region. More information, call for submissions, and save the dates at

View more information and registration >

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Using Native Plants for Fire-Resistant Landscapes: Outside Virtual Event
10:00 AM10:00

Using Native Plants for Fire-Resistant Landscapes: Outside Virtual Event

Join New Directions in the American Landscape (NDAL)'s live virtual session next Tuesday, June 29th from 10-11:30 AM PDT, Using Native Plants for Fire-Resistant Landscapes with Greg Rubin (fee $48). Register at

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2021 Wildfire Prevention Summit
9:00 AM09:00

2021 Wildfire Prevention Summit

View site for registration and more information >

This is the first in a series of Wildfire Prevention Summits. This premiere event will examine the four primary causes (Arson, Accidental, Roadside & Utility Infrastructure) of wildfire ignitions with a focus on Roadside and Utility Infrastructure ignitions in the Western United States. The intent of the Summit is to provide a venue for an exchange of dialogue regarding current issues, best practices and emerging solutions on wildfire prevention. Our speakers and panels will provide a national perspective while discussing regional, statewide and local initiatives.

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Fire Weather Research Workshop: Virtual workshop
to Apr 9

Fire Weather Research Workshop: Virtual workshop

This is the second Fire Weather Research Workshop at San Jose State University with the aim of providing the latest information and current state-of-knowledge on fire weather research to fire management agencies, scientists, students and other stakeholders. Following from our successful first workshop in 2019, this year we have extended the speaker list to our colleagues and partners across the world to provide an international perspective on current fire weather research.

Day 1 recordings >

Day 2 recordings >

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Wildfire and the Biosphere initiative
3:30 PM15:30

Wildfire and the Biosphere initiative

Know Innovation, supported by the National Science Foundation, is hosting a Wildfire and the Biosphere Innovation Lab to generate creative strategies and new research collaborations aimed at improving understanding of different types of fires across temporal and spatial scales, predicting feedbacks between wildfire and living systems, and improving the representation of biological processes in models.

The 5-day virtual Innovation Lab will take place May 17-19, May 21, and May 26, 2021. PI-level researchers-- biologists (molecular to global scale), engineers, Earth scientists, physical scientists, social scientists, and computer scientists-- are strongly encouraged to apply before the deadline of March 1 (lab application).

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 PODs Collaborative Fire Planning Workshop: Virtual Workshop
to Feb 25

 PODs Collaborative Fire Planning Workshop: Virtual Workshop

During this virtual workshop we will share case studies and lessons learned from the field, showcase multiple scales of potential operational delineations (PODs) work that have been utilized and adapted for a range of applications, identify necessary developments in collaborative fire planning and PODs, and much more.

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