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Thomas Fire Field Tour

Join our WUI team leader on a field tour regarding the Thomas Fire. Registration now open!


When: August 17, 2018 9am-4pm

Where: Ventura, CA and surrounding areas (field trip transportation included in cost)

Cost: $17.89 (this includes transporation during the field tour, lunch, and fees)

View shareable PDF flyer for the event >

Description: This trip will be a 1 day tour with 3 distinct stops to to discuss what happened, lessons learned, and more about the events of the Thomas Fire in December 2017. Stops and topics will include:

  1.  Ventura (where fire first impacted the built environment)
  2.  Resident perspective including a discussion of pre-fire preparations
  3. Montecito mudslides

If you're interested in further discussion, we will be heading to a no-host establishment to eat, drink, and informally discuss the trip and events.

You can register at