Resources for K-12 teachers

There are multiple resources for teachers or educators who want to bring some fire science ideas to the classroom, here’s a few:

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Fire Frenzy Wildland Fire Education Program

Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area Wildland Fire Education Program

  1. Download the Fire Frenzy Welcome Guide (PDF) to learn how to use the following resources.

  2. Download the Powerpoint files on the topics you wish to explore (see the welcome guide for more information on each topic).

  3. Get outside! There’s resources around field trips below.

Powerpoint files

1. Mediterranean Biomes, Climate, & Ecosystems (download.ppt file here >)

2. Chaparral Plant Communities (download.ppt file here >)

3. Wildfires - Natural History (download.ppt file here >)

4. Wildland Fire - A Physical Process (download.ppt file here >)

5. Wildland Fire in the Santa Monica Mountains (download.ppt file part 1 here > part 2 here >)

6. Fire Ecology: The relationship between wildfires & the biotic & abiotic environment (download.ppt file here >)

7. Wildland Urban Interface: Learning to live with wildfires (download.ppt file here >)

8. Wildland Fire Careers (download.ppt file here >)

9. Wildfires and Our Home (Pre-visit for elementary & middle school students) (download.ppt file here >)

Field trip resources

Download the following .zip files for resources related to the following grades.

Additional resources

Here’s some additional resources and handouts you may find useful:

  1. CAL FIRE brochures and handouts (download zipped file here >)

  2. Home safety and prevention (download zipped file here >)

  3. Ecology and local resources (download zipped file here >)

  4. Outdoor classroom management (download zipped file here >)

  5. Fire Management and careers (download zipped file here >)

FireWorks Educational Program

FireWorks is an educational program about the science of wildland fire, designed for students in grades 1-12.

FireWorks provides students with interactive, hands-on materials to study wildland fire. It is highly interdisciplinary and students learn about properties of matter, chemical and physical processes, ecosystem fluctuations and cycles, habitat and survival, and human interactions with ecosystems. Students using FireWorks ask questions, gather information, analyze and interpret it, and communicate their discoveries.
Visit website for more information and curriculum >.