The efficacy of Red Flag Warnings in mitigating human-caused wildfires
/We assessed whether issuance of Red Flag Warnings (RFWs) was associated with the number of human-caused wildfires and the probability of an ignition becoming a large wildfire (100 or more acres) across the western United States from 2006 through 2020. This information allowed us to examine the extent to which RFWs may reduce the number of human-caused wildfire ignitions.
Full Article will be available soon.
Abatzoglou, J.T., E. Fleishman, E.L. Williams, D.E. Rupp, J.S. Jenkins, and M. Sadegh. In press. The efficacy of Red Flag Warnings in mitigating human-caused wildfires across the western United States. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology.